

"Intervals of dreaming help us stand up under days of work.
 —Pablo Neruda

 I've had a really disgusting cold...you know the ones where you snort & hack & hew & make yourself obnoxious to everyone within range. You can see people, including friends & family, edge away muttering, "I have to go wash my socks" or "I'm late for my heart surgery". The hardest part of this ailment is that, the moment you become horizontal, every sinus you own is stuffed to the gunnels. Breathing is nearly impossible without appalling snorts and gargles that could loosen the bark on neighborhood trees. Anyway, I've been spending most nights at my computer looking at old You Tubes.
I've tried my best remedies & feel better today...optimistic about getting a little sleep tonight.

image source: Maria Blanchard (1881-1932)