
Definitely not edible...

We found these apples at a store that was closing. They're made of wood, but it looks as if you could bite into one.

Seabeck scouting...

We drove to Seabeck on Friday. I wanted to see it, since it is a big part of Bob's childhood. We whipped ourselves into a frenzy of nostalgia...the swimming hole, cabins and dining hall for Bob and the general store and memories of prying little green crabs from under rocks for me. My favorite part of the day was having burgers in the diner.


My desk—the Bermuda Rectangle

Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair.
—Annie Dillard

Ray & Bob

Two old gents on the lawn...
We were young yesterday— how did this happen?
We took sandwiches to the lake. The tuna in mine dropped on the ground into the goosepoop. Otherwise, a lovely day lollygagging in the sun and shooting photos with our phun photo apps.


Better than reality...

Yesterday we had a meeting downtown in a standard generic office building with absolutely no character and a pretty austere lobby. We got there early and while we waited, I played with my iPhone and latest camera app, OldPhotoPro. This is the result. This lobby is in a parallel universe I wish we could visit.


Beach Drive is the Best...

I've been walking on Alki, trying to maintain speed and aerobic benefits, but there are so many awesome things to look at that I keep hauling out my cell phone to take pictures. There's a blue bottle garden, and a couple of doors down a cement wall with a graffiti painting of a graffiti painting. Who could ask for more.

Bob's office...

Bob should get a discount on his insurance for surfing safely. His helmet even has a rear-view mirror for seeing people sneak up behind him.